Cancellation Policy

If You Need To Cancel

We get it, things come up, if you need to cancel, please contact me and let me know. Cancellations are up to the captain’s discretion and must be made 14 days prior to the booking date in order to receive a refund of the paid amount. Refunds are processed through PayPal, Square, or Stripe within 5-7 Business Days.

Cancellations within 14 days of your trip may not be accommodated.

A $400 deposit is required to reserve your trip.

If You Need To Reschedule

If you need to reschedule, please contact us ASAP. We will do our best to accommodate any changes in dates and times to ensure you have the best fishing experience possible! Rescheduling may not always be accommodated and is up to your captain’s discretion.

If There Is Bad Weather

Safety is our top priority. We’re not in the business of showing you a miserable experience. If we think it’s not going to be a good trip, and we can reschedule during your stay, we’ll find a better day or time to make it work.

On four and six-hour trips, we may postpone to a later start time due to weather conditions.

In the event of bad weather, the Captain will notify you within 24 hours on whether the trip must be rescheduled or canceled. In this case, you are eligible for a full refund upon cancellation.